Renowned Cardiologist Prof. Bongani Mayosi Commits Suicide:Facetime with Mental illness

This is facetime with mental illness, not time to wish away/undermine mental health illness, with the sad news of 51 year old world renowned South African cardiologist, professor Bongani Mawethu Mayosi;-a husband‚ son‚ father‚ brother and uncle. His profile is remarkable to a bystander but his achievement as father/husband, cardiologist (South Africa have only 175 active cardiologists) was not enough for him to "fight" the depression ( watch "Depression/the Black Dog;10 Warning Signs") he had been experiencing depression for two years. The Prof. took his own life on the morning of 27 July 2018.

Many persons suffer in silence, unware of how to label their mental anguish due to fear of stigma, myths, ignorance, lack of access to mental health care facilities, especially non-existent at primary healthcare centers but largely situated in city centers with cost implications. Not to mention lack of government prioritization of mental health/illness, leading to shortage of funding, dearth in data, research and acute shortage of mental health professionals.

Depression is one of the most common silent killer often leading to suicide if not succesfully treated by a mental health professional. Facetime with with Mental illness means mental health problems are real, can affect ANYONE, rich/poor, educated/literate, young/old. Prof Mayosi case also indicates that If mental health problems are not dictated or managed (or neglected as trends in government policies and individual perceptions shows) Mental illness have equally damaging consequences as undermining our physical health.


Bongani Mayosi in an operating theatre at Groote Schuur Hospital in Cape Town in 2017.
Bongani Mayosi in an operating theatre at Groote Schuur Hospital
Cape Town ,2017-(TimeLive). Image: Ruvan Boshoff
 Profile of Professor Bongani Mayosi 
  • In 2017 he was elected to the US National Academy of Medicine. 
  • Professor Mayosi published over 300 peer-reviewed academic articles individually and collectively.[
  • He was part of the team which discovered one of the genes responsible for causing the life threatening heart disease arrhythmogenic right ventricular dysplasia, this discovery was regarded as one of the most important medical advances in South Africa since the first human heart transplantation. 
  • Professor Mayosi served as the chairperson of the team appointed by the South African Minister of Health Aaron Motsoaledito investigate irregularities and maladministration at The Health Professions Council of South Africa (HPCSA), the organisation which registers, regulates and guides health professionals. 
  • He was the Dean of the Faculty of Health Sciences at the University of Cape Town and an A-rated National Research Foundation researcher. 
  • Prior to this, he was head of the Department of Medicine at the University of Cape Town and Groote Schuur Hospital. 
  • His father was a medical doctor and so is his wife 
  • His research interests included rheumatic fever, tuberculous pericarditis and cardiomyopathy. 
  • He was a member of the Academy of Science of South Africa 
  • A former President of the College of Physicians of South Africa. 

Mental health Disorder at Workplaces

The reported suicide of Prof. Bongani Mayosi, has prompted the South African Medical Association (Sama) to set up a support structure to address the underlying problems of a heavy workload and long hours that lead to doctors suffering from stress and depression. Sama chairperson Mzukisi Grootboom said the health fraternity was “shocked to hear that Dr Mayosi had suffered from chronic depression in the two years before his death. “Colleagues face serious difficulties in the workplace and, as they are treating patients, they often forget about their health, which is the reason Sama has set up a structure to deal with doctors’ mental health problems”.RELATED: HOW DO I DEAL WITH ANNOYING CO-WORKER? AISHATU'S STORY; WORLD MENTAL HEALTH DAY

He said mental health problems “have become prevalent in the profession and it is important to establish the root causes. It is sad that we in the medical profession cannot look after our own”.

In Nigeria, there are no specific data on the number of all people suffering from mental disorders; however, available statistics from the World Health Organization place Nigeria 30th most suicide-prone out of 183 nations in the world, at 15.1 suicides per 100,000 populations per year.

There are no data on the cost implication of untreated mental illness at workplace and the economy, especially as it relates to unemployment and studies show a “complex relationship” with mental illness (Journal of Community Psychology).

Nigeria is currently witnessing humanitarian crisis in the Northern parts and the Middle Belt, due to ongoing insurgency/insecurity crisis. Can you imagine the implications on the rate of mental disorder in these regions? Where is Nigeria' mental health budget? My series of upcoming "facetime" articles will address these issues.

Meantime, if you are currently struggling with mental health problems, "facetime" that mental illness by talking to someone, get professional help, just like getting help when physically ill.

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