Action Plan;
If "Social, Psychological, Cultural and Other factors can interact to lead a person to develop psychological problems"(that may result to death)and"health is a state of complete physical, mental state and social well-being and not merely the absence of disease or infirmity".Who then is even well?Check these headlines trending continents apart;
to her death after 'possibly' stabbing her two children to death

Shocked neighbours watched as police rushed to the apartment where the tragedy took place in a leafy, residential area southeast of the French capital.
"I heard a noise and boom, I saw her lying there. A fireman in civilian clothing called his colleagues, who rushed here" and tried to resuscitate the woman, said Sikirou Salaou, a security guard at a nearby supermarket who witnessed the fall.
A baffled neighbor, Gomez Goncalves, said the dead woman "had two little boys. She was nice, calm, and had lived in the neighborhood for at least 10 years. There were never any arguments" (Source: AFP).
Adrian Robinson Former NFL Player Hangs Himself
In Philadelphia, Adrian Robinson Jr., a 25 year old father of one and former Broncos player took his own life by hanging last Saturday, May 16th according to reports from Philadelphia Medical Examiner's Office.

Osun State Civil Servant Attempted to kill himself
In another development, Mr.Olufemi Owolabi junior a civil servant in the Obokun Local Government Area of Osun State, Nigeria has attempted to commit suicide by drinking a large quantity of herbicide (Gramoxone) on Thursday, May 21,2015.
In another development, Mr.Olufemi Owolabi junior a civil servant in the Obokun Local Government Area of Osun State, Nigeria has attempted to commit suicide by drinking a large quantity of herbicide (Gramoxone) on Thursday, May 21,2015.
Osun State secretariat
credits: Femi Makinde
The family doctor of the sanitation officer, Dr. Ishaq Opakunle said Owolabi had a history of clinical depression, which sometimes lead to suicide.
He said tests carried out on Owolabi and inquiries from his family showed that he had attempted to commit suicide in the past. The doctor said he gathered from the family that depression led his patient to relocate from the North some years back
These three persons at different continent had one thing in common~ they acted “normally, calmly” among their families, friends and neighbors with no obvious sign they were planning to take their own life.
For every suicide there are many more people who attempt suicide every year. Significantly, a prior suicide attempt is the single most important risk factor for suicide in the general population reports
by World Health Organization, (WHO).
Quick facts about Suicide
and Suicide attempts(WHO report)
· Globally suicide is the second leading cause of death in 15−29-year-olds
· Suicide rates are highest in persons aged 70 years or over for both men and women in almost all regions of the world.
· Globally, suicides account for 50% of all violent deaths in men and 71% in women.
· In richer countries, three times as many men die of suicide than women do,
· In richer countries, three times as many men die of suicide than women do,
· In low-and middle-income countries the male-to-female ratio is much lower at 1.5 men to each woman.
· An estimated 804 000 suicide deaths occurred worldwide in 2012, representing an annual global age-standardized suicide rate of 11.4 per 100 000 population (15.0 for males and 8.0 for females).
What Really Went Wrong?
Suicides are preventable. But there is no single explanation of why people die by suicide. However, many suicides happen impulsively and, in such circumstances, easy access to a means of suicide – such as pesticides or firearms – can make the difference as to whether a person lives or dies.
Therefore, social, psychological, cultural and other factors can interact to lead a person to suicidal behaviour, but the stigma attached to mental disorders and suicide means that many people feel unable to seek help. Despite the evidence that many deaths are preventable, suicide is too often a low priority for governments and policy-makers (World Health Organization, WHO).
When Is A Person Unwell?So how can a person know if she or he is actually unwell? In order to determine what constitutes unwellness, it is important to get the meaning of wellness.
Wellness is the optimal state of health of individuals and groups (WHO, 2006).
There are two focal concerns;· the realization of the fullest potential of and individual physically, psychologically, socially, spiritually and economically
· the fulfillment of one’s role expectations in the family, community, place for worship, workplace and other settings (Smith, Tang& Nutbeam, 2006).
Wellness is also the condition of good physical and mental health, especially when maintained by proper diet, exercise and habits (Myers & Sweeney, 2005).
Therefore, an unwell person or group has not come to the realization of their fullest potential;· physically (proper diet, exercise and habits)
· psychologically (mental and emotional states)
· socially (the family, community)
· spiritually (place for worship)
· economically (workplace)
· other settings
NOTE: You cannot be truly well if you Neglect your Psychological, Emotional and Social aspects of your life in addition or subtraction of the other above aspects.
How can you realize your fullest potential and improve over well-being and quality of life? Keep a date with as I bring updates on these pending issues. Please Don’t forget to share this on facebook, twitter e.t.c and leave a comment after reading.
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