A University of Oslo research survey about Intimate Partner Relationships


Thank you for your help so far!

Our research team at University of Oslo (UiO) is still seeking for additional men and women to help us better understand the dynamics of intimate relationships. It takes about 10-15 minutes to answer and the questions cover  gender relations, sexual violence and the metoo movement. You can start thestudy by clicking here http://oslopsych.az1.qualtrics.com/jfe/form/SV_40CD81XSW2nAaK9

Thank you. It will be nice if you can also share this survey. We hope to receive completed surveys from  participants who are originally from Nigeria, Norway or the UK. 


To get more information on this study please contact Beate Seibt (beate.seibt@psykologi.uio.no) and Joyce Ojokojo (anthonjo@student.sv.uio.no)

 The Essential Guide to Writing Effective Survey Questions | UX Booth
