6 Risk Factors Contributing To Mental and Emotional Problems

#3 mins read 
Positive mental health is important for all individuals at every stage of life. It is important to know the determinants of mental health if we want to thrive physically and emotionally.

According to reports, over the course of your life, if you experience mental health problems, your thinking, mood, and behavior could be affected.

Many factors contribute to mental health problems, including:
  • Biological factors, such as genes or brain chemistry
  • Life experiences, such as trauma or abuse
  • Family history of mental health problems

Your mental and emotional health has been and will continue to be shaped by your experiences. Early childhood experiences are especially significant. Genetic and biological factors can also play a role, but these too can be changed by experience.  
  • Risk Factors That Can Compromise Mental and Emotional Health

  • Poor connection or attachment to your primary caretaker early in life. Feeling lonely, isolated, unsafe, confused, or abused as an infant or young child.
  • Traumas or serious losses, especially early in life. Death of a parent or other traumatic experiences such as war or hospitalization.
  • Learned helplessness. Negative experiences that lead to a belief that you’re helpless and that you have little control over the situations in your life.
  • Illness, especially when it’s chronic, disabling, or isolates you from others.
  • Side effects of medications, especially in older people who may be taking a variety of medications.
  • Substance abuse. Alcohol and drug abuse can both cause mental health problems and make preexisting mental or emotional problems worse-(http://www.bridgingthegap.scot.nhs.uk/
The good news is that whatever internal or external factors have shaped your mental and emotional health, it is never too late to make changes that will improve your psychological well-being.

The above risk factors can be counteracted with protective factors, like strong relationships click here, a healthy lifestyle click here, and coping strategies for managing stress and negative emotions which will be discussed in later articles.What constitutes mental illness? Find out next.

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