#STOPtheABUSEnoW"By age 16, one woman in five has had sexual contact with a relative, and one in three has had unwanted sexual contact with an adult”- (Dinwiddie and Pribor) and the impact of child psychiatric trauma is a very important factor in the development of serious disorders in children and in adults- Linda Smith, Psychotherapist, Department of Psychiatry, St. Louis University Medical Center.‘
Sibling sexual abuse is the least recognized form of incest, while sexual abuse by related adults in a family receives the most attention. Meanwhile, victims of sibling abuse remain unseen, waiting to be found and helped.
The Meaning of IncestIncest is defined by Webster’s as sexual intercourse between persons so closely related that they are forbidden by law to marry.
Read the recent story of 22 year-old Aysun Altay sibling sexual abuse that shocked Turkey as a nation and the world and the possible reasons why she committed suicide as well as the psychological damage to other surviving victims of incest.
22 year-old Woman Commits Suicide After Getting Raped by Brother
A 22-old woman, who reportedly had psychological problems after being raped by her brother, committed suicide in the Aegean province of Kütahya on Thursday, putting the country in grief.
According to news reports, Aysun Altay shot herself in the heart with the unlicensed gun of her boyfriend, leaving a note for him. “I am fed up with life and what I lived. Don’t feel sorry for me,” she told her boyfriend.

Claims emerged on Friday that Altay’s family was pressuring her to withdraw a criminal complaint she had filed against her brother, which allegedly aggravated the woman’s depression. Officials say a comprehensive investigation has been launched into Altay’s death.
Sexual assault crimes have climbed by 30 percent during the 2008-2013 period, according to a compilation of statistics from Statistics Institute of Turkey (TÜİK)- Source- -Daily Sabah
Ten long-term Effect of Incest
Researchers have found that incest victims most often suffered;
- Alcohol and/or Drugs Dependence
- Anxiety and Depression
- Suicide/Suicide Attempts:
- Personality disorders
- Low Self-esteem
- Promiscuity
- Painful Sexual Experience
- Sexual Phobia/Aversion
- Rationalization
- Learned Helplessness
- Alcohol and/or Drugs Dependence; alcohol and/or drugs is misused so as to deaden painful memories of the abuse and obscure reality temporarily.
- Anxiety and Depression; Pribor and Dinwiddie found that chronic anxiety and depression is one of the emotional consequences suffered by women .sexually abused by their father while her mother showed indifference because of loss of self-esteem, social competence.
- Suicide/Suicide attempts: Severe depression has led many victims of incest to commit suicide because they could not bear to live with the betrayal and shame just like the case of 22 year old Aysun Altay in our lead story . According to Dr.Fredric Neuma, one of his patients had made a number of unconvincing suicide attempts, including one in her therapist’s office.
- Personality disorders; One woman who had been having sexual relations with her brother for a number of years had a variety of social difficulties. She tended to be impulsive and provocative. She fought with her friends and with her previous psychiatrists. She showed up at their houses at odd times asking to use their bathroom. As a consequence, she was told they did not wish to continue her treatment.Besides these self-defeating behaviors which could be considered aspects of a personality disorder, she had some checking behaviors and other symptoms of a mild OCD. (Fredric Neuman).
- Low Self-esteem; The principal long-term effects of childhood sexual abuse are on self-esteem and not on future sexual adjustment. Often these children, usually girls, grow up feeling somewhat guilty. Everyone says these encounters were not their fault; but they may not feel deep down that that is true (Fredric Neuman)
- Promiscuity; Child victims learn that the only way to get affection is through sex. As adults, who have been deprived emotionally, survivors may continue to offer sex as a way to get affection. Unsatisfied by each sexual encounter, (which offers little emotionally), the survivor may become frustrated and seek out new partners, hoping to find the emotional fulfillment missed as a child. Survivors may believe that sex in the only good thing they have to offer or that sex is the only thing they are good for (Courtois, 1988).
- Painful Sexual Experience; A young woman had serious sexual difficulties because as a teenager, her father had raped her at intervals, not always out of sight of, her mother. Whenever she was at the point of reaching a climax, a picture of her father would flash to her mind. For this reason she was to a considerable extent sexually incapacitated- (Fredric Neuman).
- Sexual Phobia/Aversion; some survivors may have been so traumatized by the sexual abuse that they reject any closeness (either physical, emotional or sexual) that might make them feel threatened sexually. They may deny their need for emotional security. becoming isolated from friends and family. Courtois, 1988; Maltz & Holman, 1987). The best way to avoid being hurt is to avoid relationships..
- Rationalization; When reality is too painful for a child's mind s/he learn to fictionalize - to somehow make it all make sense. It is extremely painful to give up the fantasy family we needed but never got. Children see themselves either in reflected glory or disgraced shadows. Therefore, we sometimes make excuses for the abuser: "He was drunk at the time. She had it rough as a child." We take responsibility for the assaults: "I was too attractive, too sexy." The abuser probably reinforced our own nagging guilt and questions we had concerning our own innocence. Essentially, we defend the perpetrator by minimizing, rationalizing and taking on the blame-(Survivors of Incest Anonymous).
- Learned helplessness; Assertion is a difficult concept for incest victims. They become accustomed to losing battles and to feeling powerless because they often regard. An experiment in learned helplessness was conducted in which dogs were forced to endure painful electric shocks without any means of escape. A second group of dogs were compelled to endure shocks and quickly escaped when it was possible. When the first group was shocked again, with escape now possible, they did not leave. They had been conditioned to endure pain. For incest victims, passivity is comfortable because it is familiar, and they may accept familiar misery rather than risk unfamiliar change.
We can observe from the above research findings that Incest is psychological destructive because it is not easy to forget and heal these emotional damages.But the good news is that you can win this war of emotional and mental torture.The first step is to get help now by coming forward to tell.
Reclaim your power and control NOW. Take Power and Control From your abuser by reporting him/her so that the law can punish them for you.Do not let your abuse walk away a free man.Learn how a Texas father who impregnated his daughter was punished because the victims came forward to report on the next update.
Reclaim your power and control NOW. Take Power and Control From your abuser by reporting him/her so that the law can punish them for you.Do not let your abuse walk away a free man.Learn how a Texas father who impregnated his daughter was punished because the victims came forward to report on the next update.
To Request for Help:
E-mail Me:
vikkyjoks@yahoo.comBBM PIN;73DC50E8
-Psychology Today
-Survivors of Incest Anonymous
-Daily Sabah
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