Action Plan;
#Don't Ignore Your Mental State
~4 minutes Read
#Don't Ignore Your Mental State
~4 minutes Read
Formula for Complete Health.
Social Wellbeing +Mental state-Disease=Health
We all have the strong desire for happiness, satisfaction; improve health, quality of life, and overall well-being. The pursuit of these goals has become elusive for majority because of a host of factors which can be overcome. Many people however, are at a loss on how and where to get help to succeed.
Health is everybody's business;whether children, adolescence or adults. My blog will progressively focus on a series of articles that will guide you to improve your health, well-being, and quality of life which are interrelated concepts.Let me start with the concept of health.
The Formula For Complete Health
Health is a state of complete physical, mental state and social well-being and not merely the absence of disease or infirmity(World Health Organization,WHO){italics added}.The definition has not been amended since April 7, 1948.
According this definition of health by the WHO you cannot be healthy if you neglect your mental state and social well-being because they are crucial sources of complete health. That means there is no health without mental health. And the absence of physical health problems is not an indication that one is truly healthy.
However, people generally take their physical health more seriously while failing to acknowledge or totally ignoring their mental health. Failure to examine your mental and social states can cause major psychological problems if not dictated early and taken care of and left to worsen.
No wonder we have so many people who seem “healthy” physically; without any pathology/disease/infirmity suddenly develop psychological problems/mental disorders.
Is Complete Health Achievable?
Is Complete Health Achievable?
Prevention is always better than cure. “Good” health is attainable. But then we all have to start making conscious effort to change our perception of what constitutes complete health.
Regardless of what continent you are, your status or your level of income it is not too late for you to start paying attention to the state of your mental health. You can start making small but significant changes by equipping yourself with information from my blog on how to achieve this and get help if needed.
Do not miss regular updates on my blog on how to make that needed change because no health without mental health.Share this new insights with your
family members, friends, workmates and more.#nomentalhealthnohealth.
family members, friends, workmates and more.#nomentalhealthnohealth.
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